
Below is a list of websites and web pages related to architecture books and other publications about architecture, in three categories: Websites, Booksellers, Book Awards. Links to the websites of publishers (and archives of reviews on this blog) are found on the Publishers page. There is also a list of bookstores in NYC that sell architecture books.

First posted May 29, 2020
Last updated March 18, 2025

  • AR Bookshelf: Podcasts in which The Architectural Review "invite[s] the most interesting and influential names in architecture to put books on an imaginary bookshelf and tell us their story." Four episodes were produced between July 2020 and January 2022, hopefully with more on the way.
  • ArchDaily: The architecture books section.
  • Architecture Book Fair: A virtual book fair dedicated to architecture, developed by dpr-barcelona as part of the Future Architecture platform. The first took place October 5–9, 2021; the second will happen March 21–25, 2023.
  • arch-ive: New website (ca. 2019) that "investigates the books that have been influential to leading practitioners."
  • The Booklist: A blog "about books, images and stories" by Italian architect Luca Galofaro.
  • College Art Association website with "scholarly and critical reviews of studies and projects in all areas and periods of art history, visual studies, and the fine arts." Link points to architecture category.
  • Collin Marshall's Books on Cities: A Substack newsletter by Collin Marshall about books on cities, as the name clearly says.
  • Design Book Review: From 1983 to 2001, DBR printed in-depth reviews architecture and design books. Link is to archive splash page at CCA, but PDFs of all issues are found at HathiTrust.
  • Designers & Books: Website devoted to books on architecture and design, featuring many lists contributed by architects, graphic designers, and other designers.
  • L'Esprit Nouveau: A complete archive of all 28 issues of the magazine co-founded by Le Corbusier and printed from 1920 to 1925.
  • HIC: Book section of Barcelona-based "archive of architecture and other things."
  • Iconic Reads: A "round-up of the best books you can buy about the houses and house museums that make up [the Iconic Houses] network of icons you can visit."
  • JAE: Book review section of the Journal of Architectural Education.
  • Library Stack: Architecture section of the "archive and lending library for new digital projects across visual art, design, architecture, film and theory."
  • Metropolis: The magazine's archive of book reviews, book excerpts, and seasonal roundups of new books.
  • The Mark J. Millard Architectural Collection: Four-volume bibliography with PDFs available via National Gallery of Art: Volume I: French Books; Volume II: British Books; Volume III: Northern European Books; Volume 4: Italian and Spanish Books.
  • Monoskop: "A collection of source documents in the history, theory and criticism of 20th-century architecture."
  • New Books in Architecture: Podcast featuring interviews with authors about new books on architecture and design; part of the New Books Network.
  • The People's Graphic Design Archive: Books, magazines, posters, and other pieces related to architecture in the "crowd-sourced virtual archive that aims to expand, diversify, and preserve graphic design history."
  • Reading Design: "An online archive of critical writing about design... from architecture and urbanism to product, fashion, graphics and beyond."
  • Sonntag Review: A blog with "book reviews for the architecture enthusiasts," most of them monographs and all with lots of photographs inside the books.
  • Spazio Projects: YouTube channel with "videos about architecture," many of them featuring readings from books accompanied by images of spreads from the same.
  • USModernist Books: A selection of books from the 1940s to the previous decade (19 as of November 2022) scanned and freely available as PDFs, from the USModernist Library.
  • USModernist Library: "World's largest open digital collection of major US 20th-century architecture magazines with approximately 2.8 million downloadable pages - all free to access."
  • Wikipedia: The "architecture books" category.
  • Women Writing Architecture: A voluminous website with "an ever-growing annotated bibliography, an open-access list of texts written by women about architecture that challenges the boundaries of each of these three terms."

  • AIA Store: A selection of architecture books at the online store run by the American Institute of Architects.
  • Arcana: A shop in Culver City, California, "specializing in new, rare, and out of print books, catalogues, and ephemera" on art, architecture, design, and other subjects.
  • ARTBOOK | D.A.P.: Architecture categories of the New York-based distributor of art, Architecture, design, and other illustrated books.
  • Bookstore in Helsinki specializing in "pre-owned architecture books and books about Finnish and Nordic architecture – both contemporary and historical."
  • Copyright Bookshop: Architecture category of the art and architecture bookshop based in Belgium.
  • High Valley Books: Architecture section of the online, Brooklyn-based bookseller "specializing in design books and periodicals."
  • Idea Books: Architecture and landscape category of the Amsterdam-based international distributor of books on contemporary architecture and other subjects.
  • The architecture section of the website that "specializes in rare and out-of-print design books and periodicals."
  • NAi Booksellers: An "independently operating retailer of quality books on architecture, urban design and landscape architecture" housed at the Netherlands Architecture Institute in Rotterdam.
  • Perimeter Books: "A specialised bookstore, award-winning publisher, distribution house and platform for various art publishing endeavours in Melbourne, Australia." (Link points to section on architecture books.)
  • Peter Miller Books: Bookstore in Seattle "covering architecture, graphics, landscape, urban design, interior design, and history."
  • RIBA Books: An "unrivaled range of the best architecture, design and construction books from around the world," as picked by the Royal Institute of British Architects.
  • SPAZIO: An "architecture gallery, bookstore and independent platform for critical reflection, speculation and discussion" in Milan, founded by Mariana Siracusa in 2017. See also the Spazio Projects YouTube channel, listed in the "Websites" section above.
  • Steven Schuyler Bookseller: Specializes in "rare architecture books & rare building trades books for designers, builders, and preservationists."
  • Trevian Books: Architecture section of the online bookstore run by Geoff Baere.
  • Uro Publications: "Vendors and publishers of books on architecture and design" based in Melbourne.
  • William Stout Architectural Books: Bookstore in San Francisco specialized in books on "architecture, art, urban planning, graphic and industrial design, furniture and interior design, and landscape architecture."

Book Awards (architecture and related):
  • 50 Books | 50 Covers is a competition run by AIGA that "identifies the 50 best-designed books and book covers of the year."
  • The Alice Award is given annually by Furthermore to "a richly illustrated book that makes a valuable contribution to its field and demonstrates high standards of production."
  • Architectural Book Awards, launched in 2023 and organized by Booklaunch magazine. Not to be confused with:
  • Architecture Book of the Year Award, launched in 2023 and organized by the Worshipful Company of Chartered Architects and the Temple Bar Trust, in association with the World Architecture Festival.
  • AUPresses Book, Jacket, and Journal Show, organized by the Association of University Presses, "recognizes meritorious achievement in the design, production, and manufacture of books, jackets, covers, journals, and digital publications by members of the university press community."
  • DAM Architectural Book Award is given out annually by at Deutsches Architekturmuseum (DAM) at the Frankfurt Book Fair, with the submissions judged "according to design, concept, quality in terms of material and finishing, level of innovation and topicality."
  • SAH (Society of Architectural Historians) Awards:
    • Alice Davis Hitchcock Book Award recognizes annually "the most distinguished work of scholarship in the history of architecture published by a North American scholar."
    • Antoinette Forrester Downing Book Award is "an annual award for excellence in a published work devoted to historical topics in preservation."
    • SAH Exhibition Catalogue Award "recognizes and encourages excellence in this form of scholarship and publication."
    • Spiro Kostof Book Award is "given to interdisciplinary studies of urban history that make the greatest contribution to our understanding of the growth and development of cities."
    • Elisabeth Blair MacDougall Book Award recognizes "annually the most distinguished work of scholarship in the history of landscape architecture or garden design."
  • SAHGB (Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain) Awards:
    • Alice Davis Hitchcock Medallion is given annually "to the author of a literary work which provides an outstanding contribution to the study or knowledge of architectural history."
    • Colvin Prize is awarded annually by "to the author or authors of an outstanding work of reference that relates to the field of architectural history, broadly conceived."