
A Weekly Dose of Architecture Books (2022–2024) was written by John Hill, editor-in-chief of the World-Architects Magazine. It was the latest in a string of blogs: A Weekly Dose of Architecture (1999-2014), A Daily Dose of Architecture (2004-2018), and A Daily Dose of Architecture Books (2019-2021). All 25 years of content from these blogs are archived at this URL. There is also a page that I still maintain that highlights the books and other articles written by me. I also give architectural walking tours in NYC, and you can find information on those here.

Some links to my social media pages, which are updated somewhere between regularly and sporadically:
In January 2024, I wrapped up the blog and moved to Substack, continuing A Weekly Dose of Architecture Books as a weekly newsletter. Go there to subscribe!

Are you an author or publisher with a book you'd like to see in my newsletter? Just send me information about your book for consideration — via an email to archidose[at]yahoo[dot]com or by using the contact form at left.

**NOTE: Referral links and links in the book reviews point to websites (Amazon, AbeBooks, Bookshop, etc.) where I may earn a small commission if you buy a book or make other purchases.**

Header image is a photo of a portion of my library.