Book Review: Index Architecture
INDEX Architecture: A Columbia Architecture Book edited by Bernard Tschumi and Matthew Berman, published by The MIT Press, 2003. Paperback, 200 pages. (Amazon)

Acting as a synopsis of the Columbia University's architecture program under the reign of Bernard Tschumi, the book is also a document of the enormous changes that occurred in architecture studios during the 90's, as computers replaced drafting boards. The book is organized like a dictionary (organized alphabetically by cross-referenced key words) and features both student and critic work to emphasize the cross-fertilization of ideas present at the school. The graphic-heavy book includes quotes from such critics as Kenneth Frampton, Hani Rashid, Steven Holl and Greg Lynn as well as project abstracts to help lend an understanding to a program that has had a dramatic impact on contemporary architecture.

Acting as a synopsis of the Columbia University's architecture program under the reign of Bernard Tschumi, the book is also a document of the enormous changes that occurred in architecture studios during the 90's, as computers replaced drafting boards. The book is organized like a dictionary (organized alphabetically by cross-referenced key words) and features both student and critic work to emphasize the cross-fertilization of ideas present at the school. The graphic-heavy book includes quotes from such critics as Kenneth Frampton, Hani Rashid, Steven Holl and Greg Lynn as well as project abstracts to help lend an understanding to a program that has had a dramatic impact on contemporary architecture.
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