More Japan Pics

More photos from Japan, this time from a road trip to Kyoto, Nara, Toyama and other areas west of Tokyo.
Shinmei-gu Shrine near Matsumoto
Horyuji Temple in Nara
Ryoanji Temple in Kyoto
Nanzenji Temple in Kyoto
A portion of Frank Lloyd Wright's Imperial Hotel, at the Meiji-Mura Village Museum
Church of the Light by Tadao Ando
Inami Woodcarving Museum by Peter Salter
Mountain Pavilion near Kamiichi by Peter Salter
Ceramics Park MINO by Arata Isozaki
Glass Temple near Kyoto by Takashi Yamaguchi


  1. Hi there. Am planning to visti Peter Salter's Kamiichi pavilion soon. Is the Kamiichi where it is in the Toyama district? I have found three Kamiichis so far!

    Many thanks for your help

  2. David - Yes, the pavilion is in the Toyama District, specifically the eastern half of Kamiichi-machi. Unfortunately it's lo-res in Google Earth, but I can scan a small map I have that will show you how to get there...though it's in Japanese. E-mail me (link at bottom of page) if you want it. It's not easy to find, though it's well worth it!

    Also, here's some more information and images on my weekly page.


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