(John Hill) needs...

Mon ami Frank tagged me with a meme that asks people to
let Google tell you what you need. So you type in "(your name) needs" and let Google do the rest...
So, according to everybody's favorite search engine/most powerful entity in the land (of which I must obey), I need...
:: to look at the process used by the City of Onkaparinga to construct a skate park in a heritage zone.

:: people to repair old sewing machines and tools and ... to find someone who can sharpen drill bits.

:: to resign for suggesting a radioactive waste storage solution that is not legal.

:: to lay off the tanning booth.

:: to explain to the parliament why he is not reading his briefing papers and, as a result of that, why he is not giving accurate information to the parliament.
Ok, Google. But I can't possibly do all those, so how 'bout I just tackle the first one?

Well, consulting the City of Onkaparinga's web site, I found a document that includes recommendations from the Local Heritage Advisory Committee on the location of the new skate facility. They determined that a skate facility "should not be at odds with the Conservation Plan for the Willunga Rail Terminus."


But they do support a skate facility in the vicinity of the Willunga Rose Garden outside the curtilage of the Conservation Plan for the Willunga Rail Terminus.


So based on this information, the preferred site is within the Rose Garden Preserve, on the corner of Aldinga Road and Railway Terrace, falling outside the curtilage of the above. This plan would have the support of both the Rural Hills South Community Forum and the Local Heritage Advisory Committee.

Check. And done.

Wait! I'm not supposed to actually follow through on any of those? Oh well, looks like I learned something new today.

Now it's my turn to "tag" somebody else, so how 'bout ... Geoff and Marcus ... what do they need?


  1. Apparently I need to find god; I need to build a manmade archipelago in the South China Sea; I need to keep people away from the former ranges; I need to be locked up if postgraduate researchers are on... [comment unfinished]; I need a real "war"; I need more spiritual depth; I need democratic education; I need something to oppose besides the truth; I need to "stay on top of the market"; I need clients.


    (I might even need about 140-150 dbs to carry the potent message)

    Who do we tag next...?

  2. Andy Marshall needs an anti-ballistic missile system; to be an individual; to fight house to house in Baghdad; to lie more to kids....

  3. Cool John. I didn't actually think you would follow through since it's not the style/purpose of your blog. If you lay off the tanning booth, doesn't it defeat the purpose. Aren't you supposed to be in it to get your money's worth. Southern Australia? Well we both got hits from the same longitude. Thanks for playing.

  4. meme |mÄ“m| noun Biology an element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, esp. imitation. DERIVATIVES memetic |mēˈmetik; mÉ™-| adjective ORIGIN 1970s: from Greek mimÄ“ma ‘that which is imitated,’ on the pattern of gene.

  5. Well, I wanted to write a post to follow on from this but it turns out that google doesn't think I need very much.

    Which Is A Blatant Lie...

    I think we need to tag jimmy next.

  6. Unfortunately, my name is too common and boring to get any decent gift ideas, but I guess I didn't need Google to tell me that.

    Nice blog, by the way.

  7. You guys are hilarious and such a good sport. I have not tried searching under my name but I will do so tonight just for the fun of it. John, I hope you will try to achieve all of your results except the illegal one regarding the radioactive storage facility. How does Google come up with their answers anyway? Does it have to do with your personal search history or the history associated with people with the same name as yours? Whatever it is, it is really interesting and fun.


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