ArchNet - IJAR
ArchNet-IJAR is a new:
interdisciplinary scholarly online publication of architecture, planning, and built environment studies. The journal aims at establishing a bridge between theory and practice in the fields of architectural and design research, and urban planning and built environment studies. It reports on the latest research findings innovative approaches for creating responsive environments, with special focus on developing countries.
In this inaugural issue (PDF here) of IJAR, there are seven highly interesting and diverse papers. Two papers place emphasis on the technical aspects of the built environment including accessibility, fire safety (Sheila Ornstein, Rosaria Ono et al), day-lighting, and energy performance (Uma Maheswaran & Ang Guo zi); one paper introduces a new position on the role of human intelligence in shaping the architecture of the 21st century (Nikos A. Salingaros & Kenneth G. Masden II); three papers offer critical analyses of the built environment of the Arab world debating issues that pertain to tradition, modernity, and identity (Khaled Asfour, Yasser Mahgoub, and Ashraf Salama); and one paper explores the notion of hierarchy in Taj Mahal's interior spatial environment (Thalia Kennedy).Thanks to ArchNet-IJAR contributor Nikos Salingaros for the head's up!
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