One Year in Ten Minutes

Nine minutes and fifty-seven seconds, to be precise, is the length of the Bartlett School of Architecture, Year 1's End of Year Film 2009.

The stop-action film is a very creative presentation of the class's installations, projects and travels. The school's "new wave of different architectures" is apparent in the film, even though depth of presentation is lacking in its rapid-fire style. But that's probably the point, eh? Convey the essence of the school's architecture department by using the images and sounds of the medium of film/video as a supplement to architectural production. The film's concept parallels the architectural concept. Whatever the case, it's refreshing to see that drawing and physical model-building are still taught in architecture schools today.

(Thanks to Patrick for the heads up!)


  1. Seems more like an art major's production lol

  2. This is the kind of work that drew me away from the architecture movement of today and forced me to look more practically at the profession. You can argue that the university is supposed to act as a laboratory for new ideas and new ways of seeing. In that, their work succeeds. But in the practice of architecture the profession, there is very little that seems they are being prepared for - unless it is a field in the sculptural arts or to partly steal a phrase "a sculpture for living in". The second meme of the work is one I've seen in other "Architecture NOW" type books, where the structure acts as an expressive stage prop for what it does, i.e. the marrionette building and the use for strings in the structure. This is sort of a derivative of the idea i.e. putting the function of the object or space into the function of the wrapper or architectural skin. You see the symbolism of man in the cross shaped floor plan of cathedrals, but this sort of mimicry is at a more literal levels.

    I'm not convinced if this is a positive or negative development yet - if there is any gain by it - but it is an observation.

  3. it creates a sense of intelligent and thought in the minds of the students. really the picture is so imaginative and it improves the skill, knowledge and abilities of the student.


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