Powers of Something

By now you've probably seen and used Google Maps, one of their latest attempts at making Google the only page you ever use. The newest feature for that service is satellite imagery. Although the maps appear to be a patchwork of images taken at different times, the Eames-like ability to move from very far to very close is cool indeed.

Here's a zoom to State and Madison in Chicago:

Missing image - googlempas.jpg

(via too many places to name)


  1. John,

    Thanks, great find

    Murray M

  2. cool funtion. At the risk of exposing my ignorance, how did you manage to save the images? right clicking didn't work for me. is there another method?

  3. If you're using Windows, use ALT+Print Screen. It will add the current window to the clipboard. Then you can paste the image into Photoshop or similar photo software to then crop/resize/maniupulate. I'm sure Mac has an equivalent, I just don't know what it is.


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