Favorite Books of 2013

Below are, in alphabetical order, my 10* favorite books that I reviewed on this blog, on my weekly page, on Designers and Books, or on Houzz at some point in 2013. Keep in mind that the books weren't necessarily released in 2013, just that I read and reviewed them during the year. My favorite projects will be posted next week.

*The list is actually 11 books, considering that one title consists of two volumes.

Building Seagram
Phyllis Lambert
Yale University Press

My review on my weekly page.

Matthew Stadler
nai010 Publishers

My review is at Designers and Books.

Encounters 1 and 2 ā€“ Architectural Essays
Juhani Pallasmaa, edited by Peter MacKeith
Rakennustieto Publishing

My review is on my weekly page and at Designers and Books.

From Camp to City: Refugee Camps of the Western Sahara
Edited by Manuel Herz
Lars MĆ¼ller Publishers

My review is on my weekly page.

Hand-Drying in America: And Other Stories
Ben Katchor

My review is on my weekly page and at Designers and Books.

The Houses of Louis Kahn
George H. Marcus and William Whitaker
Yale University Press

My review is at Houzz.

Lina Bo Bardi
Zeuler R. M. de A. Lima
Yale University Press

My review is at Designers and Books.

Lincoln Center Inside Out
Diller Scofidio + Renfro

My review is on this blog.

MVRDV Buildings
Edited by Ilka and Andreas Ruby
nai010 Publishers

My review is at Designers and Books.

Wiel Arets: Autobiographical References
Robert McCarter

My review is on my weekly page.